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It depends on the species I am after and where I am trapping. By state Wildlife law, animals must be released at the site of capture or euthanized. As a certified North Carolina Wildlife Animal Damage Control Agent, I can live trap some animals and transport the captured animal to a different location for euthanasia. No matter what type of capture device I might use, the animal’s welfare will take priority over what someone may want. Even if it is a lethal means of capture.


Animals Taken Alive. Wild animals in the order Carnivora, armadillos, groundhogs, nutria, and beaver shall be humanely euthanized either at the site of capture or at a facility designed to humanely handle the euthanasia or released on the property where captured. Feral swine shall be euthanized while still in the trap in accordance with G.S. 113-291.12. For all other animals taken alive, the animal shall be euthanized or released on property with permission of the landowner. When the relocation site is public property, written permission shall be obtained from an appropriate local, state, or federal official before any animal may be released. Animals transported or held for euthanasia shall be euthanized within 12 hours of capture. Anyone in possession of live animals being transported for relocation or euthanasia under a depredation permit shall have the depredation permit in his or her possession.

No, I do not relocate animals. State law only allows a few species to be relocated. Squirrels are one. A relocated squirrel has a 98% death rate when relocated, due to shock. I must have the landowner’s permission to relocate animals that can be relocated. Most landowners do not want your problems to become theirs.

That depends on the problem you have. An average lot size yard, with moles, an average is a week. Beaver might be 10 to 14 days (average). Each animal and job is different so time frames will vary.

If you hear strange noises at night, you are finding scat that is different from your pets (if you have pets), trash is turned over, holes being dug around buildings, or your yard has small holes everywhere in a night or two. And of course, frequent sightings with frequent sightings being the key. Just seeing an animal does not constitute a problem animal.

I use a trinary explosive. There are three different substances, none of which are explosive until they are mixed together. For an explosive, these are extremely safe, as I only mix them at the site of use.

No I do not. I trust people that if they ask me to help them, and I do, they will pay the agreed amount when the job is finished.

I have several customers that I have quarterly and biannual surveys of their land. There is very little work I do where I would need to inspect the property more than this.

No, if there is a way to solve the problem, without trapping, that is my preferred option. Each situation is different when dealing with animals, but all species have some of the same traits associated with that species, which sometimes allows non-lethal solutions.

There are multiple types of property damage that different animals may inflict.  Some may cause walking hazards in the yard due to tunnels and holes, while others may attack livestock.  If these animals are not controlled, there is also the risk of various communicable diseases that can be spread.  See the FAQ section regarding diseases to view a listing of diseases.


Click "Diseases" to expand.

Zoonotic Diseases: Risks of Working With Wildlife
Zoonoses: infectious diseases of vertebrate animals that can be naturally transmitted to humans either directly or indirectly.

Direct: Coming into contact with mucosa or open wounds of infected bodily fluids such as blood, saliva, or urine.
Indirect: Coming into contact with objects that have been contaminated with infected materials, or through a vector, such as a tick.

A virus spread directly or indirectly (dust with droppings) by deer mice, rice rats, white-footed mice or cotton rats. The incubation period is 1-6 weeks. General symptoms (see below) but can be deadly. 

A fungus spread by inhalation of spores from bat and bird droppings. The incubation period is 1-14 days. General symptoms (see below). Histoplasmosis is often subclinical however, young and older people are at risk of developing more serious symptoms. 

Brucellosis is a disease spread by bacteria from swine and deer by both direct and indirect contact. Incubation is 6-180 days. Symptoms are of the general (see below) at first then can develop into a debilitating disease. It is very hard to treat.

Tularemia is a disease spread by bacteria from direct contact with rabbits and rodents in general, beavers, horse flies and indirectly with ticks. Incubation is 1-14 days. General symptoms (see below). It has a 300/0 mortality rate. 

Baylisarcaris, glardiasis, hookworms, toxocariasis are parasites spread by direct contact with the feces of many species through ingestion and direct skin contact. Incubation can be days to months. Symptoms range from mild (diarrhea) to severe (vision loss, hepatitis, neurologic symptoms).  Children are most affected.

80% mortality rate when not treated. 

LaCrosse Encephalitis (LACV) is spread by the tree hole mosquito in the spring to late fall. General symptoms (see below) can become severe encephalitis in children under 16.

West Nile Virus (WNV) Humans are accidental hosts with 1-150 having severe symptoms.

Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEEV) 3-5% of people infected will develop EEE. 30% of infected people DIE within 10 days. Survivors will have severe sequelae.

**General symptoms: Flu like symptoms, fever, weakness, dizziness, body aches, skin rashes and or joint pain.

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